Forecast and Trend book Interiors 2023/24 Studio Milou Ket

Grey and black are combined with beige for a softer contrast. The wallcoverings and the print in the middle are reminiscent of Art Deco. The mood board print is by Monyou in the Netherlands. On the right hand side, we see an acoustic design by Mariette Wolbert, made of woolen felt. On the left we see a curtain design by Irene van Ophoven. The dark fabric design is also by her. The beige with gold Art-deco design is by Verbeek designs. The wallcoverings in the middle are by Masureel.


From Left to right, from top to bottom: | Ravinala Argent Wallcovering by Papermint | Mood board print by Monyou in the Netherlands | Felt Collection by Mariette Wolbert, the Netherlands | Black curtain, and material in the middle, design by Irene van Ophoven NL |  Bedroom via Design.only | Collection of black and white wallcoverings by Masureel | Art Deco print design by Verbeek designs, the Netherlands | Materials by ChemTech, Latvia |



Milou Ket